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卡列维·霍尔斯蒂(Kalevi J.Holsti)指出,战争研究者得出一个共识,即单一原因的解释无论是在理论上还是在经验上都是不充分的。卡列维·霍尔斯蒂:《和平与战争:1648—1989年的武装冲突与国际秩序》,王浦劬等译,北京大学出版社,2005年,第3页。

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Charles W.Osron and Francis W.Hoole, “Alliance and War Revisited: A Research Note,”International Studies Quarterly, Vol.22, No.2, 1978, pp.215-236; Jack S. Levy, “Alliance Formation and War Behavior: An Analysis of the Great Powers,1495—1975,”Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.25, No.4, 1981, pp.581-613.

Raymond Tanter, “Dimensions of Conflict Behavior Within and Between Nations,”Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.10, No.1, 1966, pp.41-64; Jonathan Wilkenfeld, “Domestic and Foreign Conflict Behavior of Nations,”Journal of Peace Research, Vol.6, 1969, pp.148-156; Raymond Tanter, “Dimensions of Conflict Behavior within and between Nations,1958—1960,”Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.10, No.1, 1966, pp.41-64; Michael Haas, “Social Change and National Aggressiveness, 1900—1960,” in David Singer ed.,Quantitative International Politics(New York: Free Press, 1968), pp.215-245; Jonathan Wilkenfeld, “Domestic and Foreign Conflict Behavior of Nations,”Journal of Peace Research, Vol.5, No.1, 1968, pp.59-69.


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在中苏承认北越政权后,美国决定大力支持法国在印支政策,因为面临急迫危机的印度支那在东南亚有着重要战略地位。George C.Herring,America's Congest War: The United States and Vietnam, 1950—1975(New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1986), pp.3-14.




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美苏两国在进行代理人战争时,存在着意识形态目标与权力目标的冲突,对于何者更为优先的争论一直都有。比如美国很多时候接近“友好的专制暴君”,即那些非民主但铁杆反共及支持美国冷战事业的独裁者或威权主义政权。参见Daniel Pipes and Adam Garginkel,Friendly Tyrants: An American Dilemma(New York: St.Martin's Press, 1991)。


Idean Salehyan,Rebels without Borders: State Boundaries, Transnational Opposition, and Civil Conflict, Doctoral Dissertation, 2006, Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego; Patrick Regan,Civil War and Foreign Power(Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2000).


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在1947年6月,依据杜鲁门主义,美国开始实施马歇尔计划,承诺向所有欧洲国家提供经济上的协助,包括苏联在内。 马歇尔计划的目标是为了要重建欧洲的民主和经济体制,以控制在欧洲开始出现的共产坐大和权力失衡,避免从战争重建中的各国被共产政党夺取政权,马歇尔计划同时主张欧洲的繁荣必须依靠德国经济的复苏。