




2021-10-06 �� ����֪���ģ��Ҷ����Իش�



1��leave sb an unforgettable memory

2��leave it unforgettable







2011-11-20 �� TA���156����








to leave an unforgotten memory

2011-11-20 �� TA���243����








2011-11-20 �� TA���7.6�����






impressed me a lot
be very impressive

2011-11-20 �� TA���472����








leave sb an unforgettable memory
leave it unforgettable




  • unforgettable memories



這真是一次難忘的回憶This was an unforgettable memories


  • 我想給你們的,是一次難忘的回憶,以及一些非常豐富且有價值的經驗。

    i want to make this memorable to you and want to create experience fulfilling to you all.

  • 我很開心能夠站在這里而且迫不及待的想去於每個人創造許多難忘的回憶

    i「m very grateful to be here and i can」t wait to create unforgettable memories with everyone.

  • 難忘的回憶與獨特體驗在沙芭比亞等待您光臨!

    unforgettable memories and incomparable experiences await you at the suburbia!

  • 這是我整個職業生涯最難忘的回憶

    it was the greatest memory in my entire career.

  • 英語書面表達童年是美好,人人都會有難忘的回憶.

    i have been sixteen years old but some recollections of my childhood are still unforgettable.

  • 這個訓練營的確為參加者和工作人員制造了不少難忘的回憶.

    the camp, undoubtedly, brought unforgettable memories to the participants also the members of the organizing committee.

  • 如果你問我,我會想要回到過去的任何一天。不為追悔,只為重溫我們難忘的回憶

    if you asked me, i would go back to any day in the past. not to fix my regrets, but to relive all our unforgettable memories.

  • 我真的不應該與有這麼大的魅力,而害他為了我而哭泣,但至少有一點我做的很好,就是我給了他們一段永生難忘的回憶

    i shouldn't have so much charm, to let she cry for me. but at least i have done one thing well, is i have given them the memories they will never ever forget.

  • 在最近翻新的商務艙休息廳中,寬敞的工作間、舒適的按摩椅,以及可口的食物和周到的服務將給乘客留下難忘的回憶

    expanded work stations, massage chairs and round-the-clock food and beverage service is all available nearby in the newly renovated business-class lounge.

  • 人生是一段旅程,在旅行中遇到的每一個人,每一件事與每一個美麗景色,都有可能成為一生中難忘的回憶

    life is a journey, everyone you met, everything you do and every beautiful scenery during the journey all can be the unforgettable experience in your life.

  • 是的,愛就像鹵豬腳:嘗起來有點怪,聞起來也有點怪,但是,從觸碰舌尖的那一秒起,便給人留下永生難忘的回憶

    yes, love is like pickled pig feet: it tastes kind of strange, smells kind of funny, but when it tickles your tongue, the memory lasts forever.

  • 入住期間,您可在我們三家宜人的餐廳中與親友聚餐,留下愉悅難忘的回憶

    during your stay with us, create happy memories by sharing a meal with friends or family in one of our three welcoming restaurants.

  • 浪漫之鄉的自然之美,愛爾蘭人民的熱忱好客、在這里許下「我愿意」將是一段令人永生難忘的回憶

    the natural beauty of romantic country and the genuine hospitality of irish people make your wedding memorable.

  • 我在哈佛最難忘的回憶之一,發生在1975年1月。 那時,我從宿舍樓里給位於albuquerque的一家公司打了一個電話,那家公司已經在著手制造世界上第一臺個人電腦。

    one of my biggest memories of harvard came in january 1975, when i made a call from currier house to a company in albuquerque that had begun making the world’s first personal computers.

  • 那必將留給我一生難忘的回憶

    i think we will keep the unforgettable memory on the whole of my life.

  • 感謝你們,是你們組織安排,給了我們難忘的回憶!

    ur , thank you for organizing and leaving us such an indelible memory.

  • 乘熱氣球暢游墨爾本,您將感受到城市探險帶給您的刺激,而它也會給您留下一個永生難忘的回憶,讓您與家人和朋友一同分享。

    melbourne by hot air balloon provides the ultimate in urban adventure leaving you with a lifetime of memories to share with family and friends.

  • 我們總是希望時光能夠倒流,讓我們再次重溫生活的那些美妙時刻和難忘的回憶,但是顯然這依舊是個傳說。

    we wish to live those beautiful and unforgettable moments again by turning back time which is obviously still a fiction.

  • 那包裹在鋼鐵下的悲哀,是對母親的思念和難忘的回憶

    that wraps under the steel and iron the sorrow, is long for the mother and the unforgettable recollection.

  • 想象所有你可能會做的事情,然后選擇一些能讓你重新恢復動力與創造力的地點和活動,能讓你留下最難忘的回憶

    imagine everything you might possibly do, then pick the places and activities which will give you best opportunities for renewal and reinvention and let you create the most unforgettable memories.