三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

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  3. 三生三世宸汐缘
  4. 三生三世宸汐缘第25集


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    • 5.0张海宇山东青岛
    • 2.0那广子辽宁
    • 3.0海铃不详
    • 9.0张芷溪中国甘肃
    • 5.0倪妮内地
    • 8.0刘芊含中国

    • 9.0邢少,小助理又搞事情了景妍,,周子楠,,江东旭,,华慧
    • 4.0城市猎人/奇幻冒险王林志颖,马苏,罗家英,午马,包文婧
    • 5.0爱的高级别冉红丹,,夏广炎,,叶庭,,王肖杰,,王诗博,,李美佳
    • 5.0请君任嘉伦,李沁,陈希郡,吴明晶,昌隆,宋文作,小沈阳,黑子,赖艺,曹曦月
    • 6.0唐朝诡事录杨旭文,杨志刚,郜思雯,陈创,孙雪宁,石悦安鑫,张子健,姚安濂,王劲松,范明,岳丽娜,刘智扬,牛宝军,罗嘉良,张黎明,牛北壬,马赫,周骏超,奚望,吴春怡,韩承羽
    • 9.0两个人的小森林虞书欣,张彬彬,厉嘉琪,丁冠森,吴迪飞,安戈,崔奕,李晔,刘杰毅,李文玲
    • 2.0炽道金晨,王安宇,迟嘉,李卓钊,张凯莹,江宇顺,郭劲岐,高圣皓羽,刘增宇,西兰花,刘冠成,徐洁儿
    • 7.0三悦有了新工作周依然,杨新鸣,鄂靖文,梁靖康,刘钧,康可人,田雷,郭柯宇,张棪琰,刘巴特尔,刘亚津,曹艳艳,李至强,孙宁
    • 10.0从前慢·白首要相离杜宁林,梁丹妮,梁国荣,王侃
    • 6.0我的反派男友陈哲远,沈月,骆明劼,屈菁菁,郭笑天,苏子珊
    • 7.0反派女友超戏精胡亦瑶,刘宥畅,杨俊,韩幸吟
    • 10.0大考陈宝国,王千源,李庚希,胡先煦,荣梓杉,郭涛,梁静,颜丙燕,王骁,曹曦文,蓝盈莹,翟小兴,张瑞涵,荣飞,李添诺,王宥钧,柯宇,刘思辰,付风男,郑伟,徐一航,秦焰

    • 4.0婚姻的敌人/偏不离婚陈小艺,董勇
    • 2.0我有特殊沟通技巧范世錡,罗予彤,魏哲鸣,刘烨,董岩磊,黄俊鹏,杨霖,王文绮,钟凯,高健,于慕一,梁超
    • 8.0九九归一陈刚,王同辉,王馥荔,郑铮,朱媛媛,米铁增,修宗迪,霍思燕,刘希媛,徐秀林,辛柏青,房子斌,黄勐,杨雨婷
    • 2.0三十年河东赵军,于小慧,贺小书
    • 3.0求爱历险记魏小欢,朱永强,张超,赵亚峰,智美
    • 9.0快乐星球 第三部孙斯阳,张蕊
    • 5.0灵域范丞丞,程潇,刘一曈,聂子皓,马月,郑艺彬,王一鸣,葛鑫怡
    • 5.0破晓/暴雨将至黄志忠,陈小春,俞灏明,杨雪
    • 7.0后宫那些事儿吴弘,李北岳,康宁,秦语
    • 3.0少林寺传奇之乱世英雄鲍国安,黄秋生,计春华,谢苗,李炳渊,叶剑卫
    • 7.0二胎时代(DVD版)王晓晨蒋毅米露杨菲洋
    • 7.0东北一家人第二季李琦,彭玉,金珠,巩汉林

    9.0 60集全


    • 主演:张震 倪妮 李东学 张芷溪 李嘉铭 海铃 刘芊含 张海宇 那广子 袁昊 
    • 导演:林玉芬 
    • 分类:国产剧
    • 地区:大陆 
    • 年份:2019 
    • 更新:09.27
    • 简介:战神九宸万年前为封印魔神而陷入沉睡后,突因少女灵汐的误闯而苏醒两人在相处过程中,因彼此欣赏而渐生情愫。灵汐被发现天生自带煞气,而此煞气恰是魔族灵药,会解开魔神的封印,使魔神复苏,祸及天下众生,此乃大忌,两人感情从此命运波折。九宸不愿枉杀无辜,顶住压力,拯救灵汐,去除煞气。灵汐在九宸的帮助下,从一个天



    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25


    kakashi: It's a filler. A few tiny, gentle smiles of Jiu Chen's are worth it though.
    JoAnne: The highlight for me was his brutal put down of Yuan Tong.  'Even if she's not here, it won't be you. Don't call for me again. I don't want to see you.'
    Bunny: The next 10 episodes could have been easily condensed to about 2-3. I swear there's no sense of brevity at all in these cdramas. 

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Episode 25

    No, reborn Ling Xi doesn't get suffocated by her mother of course - because Qing Yao intervenes like a ghooooost and shows that mortal woman where's what, scaring her out of her wits and into submission. Shortly after, her father calls new Ling Xi A'Mo. Grandma is devastated about the deafness - but isn't a deaf daughter better than no daughter?
    I will have a new niece this time next week...this baby makes me very eager to hold her!
    Baby is very very cute.

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25
    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Qing Yao goes straight to Congji Abyss, where GoW is with Yun Feng and Si Ming (is he still hovering so that GoW won't rush to the mortal world to do something he shouldn't?) and tells them that Ling Xi has an ear disease, which means she'll have a difficult life.
    This is Jiu Chen's 'son of a BITCH' face.
    Don't get your panties in a bunch, Uncle Chen, it's not called a mortal TRIAL for no reason.

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Jiu Chen goes straight to the mortal world to check whether this is fate's mean trick or someone who is trying to intervene. Cute: after hearing some children speak about mortal food and remembering what Ling Xi told him about it, he goes and buys pancakes. Look at his smile!
    If I have to give that man my last pancake to get a smile, I will do it.
    Dammit. Dimple. 

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Sadly, the Demon cronies have realized Ling Xi must still be alive by now and after some dark magic mumbo jumbo, they are able to track her spirit. The miasma lights up! Luckily, the happily munching GoW sees them coming and blasts them out of the sky, at the same time breaking their connection to that tracking magic.
    It's a bird!  It's a plane!  No, it's Goth Mary Poppins!

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    GoW goes after them and they fight, but Zhong Hao is still far away from being able to beat him. GoW goes a little wild (it's because he no longer has Nüwa Stone for a heart) and destroys a whole mountain, scaring, pissing off and injuring Immortal Peng (the God of Mountains) who lives there (we have met him before, as a patient of Qing Yao's). 
    Kinda like this delinquent GoW look.

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Jiu Chen has little compassion nor patience for the lamenting fairy, he heads straight for A'Mo's house after this. He freezes everybody there but the baby and, with a tiny smile on his lips, examines her ear. The miasma is still there... but he sends a bit of blue light into it and then... wishes her peace and happiness. It's cute but saaaaad.
    Please tell me that in one of these arcs he ends up raising the baby.
    Then decides that he'd rather be her dad than her lover? That'd be a twist. 

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Up in the Heavens, Immortal Peng tattles on Jiu Chen, making the Heavenly Emperor go visit Jiu Chen himself, telling him to compensate Peng. This would have been a minor thing,  but Lord Thunder realizes something is not quite right with GoW. Oh yeah, remind us... how long can GoW live without heart? (Is Ling Xi's little flame thing sustaining him only temporarily?) In the meantime, the problem is he cannot really control his powers well.
    GoT can go suck eggs.

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Ugh, that boyfriend of Yuan Tong's comes to Congji Abyss, what, to ask GoW to see that criminal? (that guy is such a tool) Yuan Tong is in bad shape but she lies, fie, claiming she was poisoned and that's why she did all that awful stuff. Wow, Jiu Chen doesn't take it kindly (understatement). And she doesn't get what she has done wrong, does she? What a delulu woman, she keeps wailing and shouting that he's degrading himself because of Ling Xi. In the end she is sent to Demon Detention Tower - which seems kind.
    That look bodes trouble down the road.
    Girlfriend needs help. Why isn't there a therapist for the gods? Never mind, she's batshit hopeless. 

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Jing Xiu is still in his cage, brooding. And remembering being mistreated by the King as a boy. And then how they got him to betray his own father. It seems he was just weak? His two brothers died before him because they didn't want to say anything. And in the end, the King killed his father anyway.
    I mean he was what, seven?

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    Oh, it's the bitchy princess! She's of course unhappy about her bro Jing Xiu in the cage, but her mother kicks her out. Well, I'm only mildly interested in this quarrel between bald Advisor and Queen (fell asleep around this part, oops). However, I am interested in what Jing Xiu says: Shan Ling Tribe has a big problem if Zhong Hao chooses to attack them.
    The 'Most Disturbingly Handsome Man in a Bird Cage' award goes to...

    三 生 三世 宸 汐 緣 25

    And we end the episode with a glimpse of A'Mo quite grown up who has a bitchy younger sister now.


    No further comments, your honor.
    Why is there always a bitchy sister?
    For the same reason there's always a deranged second female lead who poses no actual threat to the OTP, and whose only sole purpose is to look as hateful as possible - so that the female lead can look better. Yuan Tong could have been a much more dynamic bitch, but she's just a bitch.