
關 鍵 詞: 公法上請求權;消滅時效;執行期間;比較法;類推適用 中文摘要: 行政程序法施行以來,該法第 131 條以下公法上請求權消滅時效之相關規定,在司法實務上產生諸多根本性的疑義。首先是第 131 條第 1 項所稱「公法上之請求權」之意指為何,在解釋與適用上均有其困難;例如法律所定申請期限是否為時效期間?行政執行法所規定之執行期間是否為時效期間?是否限於具財產權性質之公法上請求權?其次,公法上請求權之消滅時效應如何起算?此一問題主要牽涉主觀主義與客觀主義之爭;亦即在起算消滅時效時,應否將請求權人之主觀認知因素納入考量。就前揭疑義,本文檢視行政程序法規定公法上請求權消滅時效制度的立法理由、制度目的;此外,考量行政程序法關於公法上請求權之規定主要係參照德國法制,爰並檢視德國公法學界就此類問題的探討,於此並牽涉類推適用民事法規定之方法問題。以前述三方面的探究為基礎,嘗試就前揭司法實務上之疑義,提出解決的建議方向。
英文關鍵詞: claim right of public law;extinctive prescription;execution time;comparative law;analogy 英文摘要: Since the enforcement of administrative procedure law, the following Art. 131 which are the rules about extinctive prescription of claim right of public law, produced lots of fundamental doubts in judicial practice. At first, what “claim right of public law” in Article 131 Paragraph 1 means, there is difficulty in interpretation and appliance; for example, is the application period set by law the prescription period? Is the execution time in Administrative Execution Act the prescription period? Is it limited to claim right of public law with the character of property rights? Secondly, how starts the extinctive prescription of claim right of public law? This problem is chiefly concerned with the dispute about subjectivism and objectivism; that is, when people starts extinctive prescription whether people considers the subjective cognitive factors of claimants. This article surveys legislation reasons and institutional purposes of the extinctive prescription system under claim right of public law in administrative procedure law; in addition, considering claim right of public law in administrative procedure law referring to German legal system, we check the discussions about this issue in academic circles of public law in Germany. Here the problems about methods of analogy in civil law are involved. Based on the aforementioned three areas, this article tries to bring up the recommended directions of solutions to solve the previous doubts in judicial practice.
目  次: 壹、司法實務見解顯示的疑義
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