
Galileo hosts evening events such as parent workshops, Back-to-School Night, Winter Concert, and Open House.

洪毅全也是一個孜孜不倦和有奉獻精神的教育者,他和亞洲的青年音樂家參與了多個課題項目:他作為2009和2010年度NTSO臺灣-中國青年交響樂團的首席指揮,首次將中國和臺灣最優秀的青年音樂家召集在一起,在北京和臺北的國家音樂廳舉行引人注目 的 音樂會。

He is furthermore a tireless and dedicated educator, and has been involved in numerous projects with young musicians in Asia: he was chief conductor of the NTSO Taiwan-China Youth Orchestra in 2009 and 2010, an initiative which brought together the best young


musicians from China and Taiwan,

[...] leading them in high-profile concerts at the national concert halls of Beijing and Taipei.


[...] 具體共識,即每年只可在大球場舉行極有限數目 的 音樂會 , 那 麼受影響的㆟士或會 較易體諒只有數次的不便。

Noise of course will have to be dealt with, and if it can be seen to be dealt with on the


specific understanding that only a very

[...] limited number of concerts may be held there [...]

per year, then those affected may be


more willing to accommodate any discomfort on those few occasions.

(o) 提供廳堂及其他合適的房間、建築物及場所,並按本公司認為合適的條款,允許上述各項或

[...] 其任何部分作任何公眾或私人用途,尤其作為公眾會議、展覽 、 音樂會 、 演 講、晚宴、戲劇 表演、電影院及其他娛樂用途。

(o) To provide halls and other suitable rooms, buildings and places, and to permit the same or any part thereof to be used on such terms as the Company shall think fit, for any purposes, public or private, — 3


— and in particular for public

[...] meetings, exhibitions, concerts, lectures, dinners, [...]

theatrical performances, cinematographs and other entertainments.

他們的一致行動﹐與音樂會中各 演奏者的和諧協奏十分相似。他們追尋一 致的政策﹐頗類似於各演奏者相同彈奏出一部樂章。

Their working together in harmony might be

[...] compared to member musicians of a concert [...]

working together in harmony and which


they sought to pursue one policy in common, it was like the musicians playing to produce on single piece of music.

華卓拿剛上任為紐約華爾街聖三一教堂史上首位音樂及藝術總監,於任內同時作為聖三一合唱團、聖三一巴羅克樂團及以當代音樂為主的NOVUS NY

[...] 樂團首席指揮,並統籌聖三一教堂在曼克頓和布魯克林下區舉辦一連串豐富而多元化 的 音樂會 節 目 、博物館展覽、舞蹈及戲劇表演、詩歌及文學朗誦,教育及外展項目等等。

In his new position as the inaugural Director of Music and the Arts at New York’s historic Trinity Wall Street, Wachner serves as Principal Conductor of the Trinity Choir, the Trinity Baroque Orchestra and NOVUS NY, in addition to


overseeing Trinity’s numerous and varied concert

[...] offerings, museum expositions, dance and theatre [...]

performances, poetry and literary


readings, and educational and outreach initiatives in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn.

在冬天屋簷下劇院也是來自國家愛樂樂團的社會,成立上 4 日 1968年-strejšaâ 市音樂會組織。

Under the roof of the winter Theatre is also come

[...] from the State Philharmonic Society, founded [...]

on 4 January 1968-strejšaâ city concert organization.

Evade 將會演出多首新作,包括《尋找佛洛伊德的飄渺》、《無題夢》及《愛》等等,本澳著名的DJ lobo 及DJ Burnie將會為音樂會打碟 ,而本地影像設計師Miguel Khan更會擔任VJ,為演出的曲目配上獨特的影像效果,刺激樂迷的視覺!

Fans are set to be enchanted with the concert, listening to the debuts of songs


including Seeking for Mr.

[...] Freud, Untitled Dream and Love, together with remixes by renowned DJ [...]

Lobo and Burnie, as well as


appreciating unique images and effects by Miguel Khan, a talented local image designer.

少年原創音樂會」(JOC)由YAMAHA音樂基 金於1972年創辦,至今每年在全球各地舉行,為YAMAHA音樂學生提供表演平台,讓他們演繹自己的原創作品,展示創意及才能。

[...] Original Concert (JOC) that started in 1972 is one of the most significant Yamaha Music School's [...] [...]

held in different cities around the world.  JOC aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their creativity through composing and performing their own music.

活動期間將舉辦音樂會及水 資源保護教育講座,致力於掀起一場聲勢浩大的全球運動,幫 [...]

[...] will feature live musical performances and [...]

water education activities in an effort to ignite a massive global


movement to put an end to this epidemic.

[...] 已事業有成作為鋼琴演奏家在歐洲,她給了無數獨奏會,演出獨奏與樂團及室 內 樂音樂會。


Ms. Surmelian has had a distinguished career as a


concert pianist in Europe where she has given numerous recitals, solo performances with

[...] orchestra and Chamber Music concerts.


現任長榮交響樂團駐團指揮,先後多次指揮樂團於國家音樂廳、日本東京國際會議中心、美國洛杉磯、上海音樂廳及台灣各地等演 出 音樂會 數 十 場,並先後與鋼琴家陳偉茵、Mariya Kim、陳瑞斌及陳冠宇先生等人合作演出;也應邀擔任高雄市交響樂團及高雄市國樂團等客席指揮。

She has performed at Taipei National Concert Hall, Tokyo International Forum , Los Angeles and Shanghai Concert Hall and cooperated with the pianist, Mariya Kim, Weiyin Chen, Rueibin Chen, Eric Chen etc. She worked also as a guest conductor with Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra and Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra.

古典、爵士樂、搖滾樂或戲劇、動作、科 幻 音樂會 ) 數 碼音效控制(也稱為 DSC)提供適合不同音樂風格和電影環境的各種音效設定。

(Classic, Jazz, Rock or Drama, Action, Sci-Fi Concert) Digital Sound Control (or DSC) offers different sound settings tailored for specific musical styles and movie environment.

中心自2004年起,已舉辦了共六屆「馬拉松慈 善 音樂會 」 , 讓社會大眾對視障人士之音樂潛能有進一步認識及了解,以及為愛好音樂之健視及視障人士提供一個一展所長及交流的好機會。

The Concert, already held the sixth time  since  2004, aimed to


provide a good platform for the public to

[...] understand the music talent of the visually [...]

impaired persons, as well as a chance


for music exchange between the sighted and visually impaired persons.

不需要合成器或者電腦,被丟棄玩具們的聲音糅合影像,演奏出「Plastic Planet」音樂會。

In the absence of synchronizer or computer, the discarded toys

[...] give shape to sound and visual effect in the name of ‘Plastic Planet’ concerts.

安魂曲》是莫札特(Mozart)離世時仍未完成的一部巨著,在「復活 節 音樂會 」 ( 30/3下午2時,玫瑰堂、1/4晚上8時,澳門文化中心)中,由澳門樂團音樂總監、首位在意大利國家歌劇院擔任總監的亞洲指揮呂嘉執棒,與樂迷一起探索並細味這位非凡作曲家所留下的不朽名篇。

In the Austro-German Tradition - Beethoven String Quartet Series I (23/3 at 8:00pm, Dom Pedro V Theatre)


the Macau Orchestra surveys the trajectory

[...] of chamber music writing, from the brilliance [...]

of Mozart - whose unfinished Requiem


Mass presents an enigma to this day - to the dark, serious masterpieces of Beethoven, interwoven by the lively musical world of Weber.

在索契劇院給了音樂會主要 的交響樂團,夏季便服套裝歌舞、 舞蹈集體、 流行、 [...]

爵士樂隊,作出名譽的國內和國外的聲樂藝術大師: 一、 Yuryev,巴爾索娃 · Bieshu 訴。

[...] in Sochi gave concerts major symphonic [...]

orchestras, ensembles of song and dance, choreographic collectives,


pop, jazz bands, made honorary masters of domestic and foreign vocal art: i. Yuryev, v. Barsova, m. Bieshu.

演藝學院每年舉辦逾200 場音樂會,所 有學生均有機會參與各類獨奏、室內樂、合奏或合唱活動。

The Academy hosts over 200 concerts each year, and students take part in a range of solo, chamber, orchestral and choral [...]

由於移居香港,Bollands一直超忙釋放他們的新專輯,在音樂節玩,堵塞住上眾多的電台和電視節目,玩一般以驚人 的 音 樂 家 音樂會 和 自 己的滋擾。

Since moving to Hong Kong, The Bollands have been super busy releasing their new album, playing at music festivals, jamming live on


numerous radio and television shows, playing

[...] gigs with amazing musicians and generally making [...]

a nuisance of themselves.

因此無論是為期三天的和平音樂會台 灣 音 樂 季 、適合全家參加的活動、百貨公司轉輪大放送與熱舞活動,或是在泰國的孤兒院開放參觀日活動,每場活動BABI公司都經過縝密的事前計劃並完美地執行活動。

[...] three day Peace and Music Fest for Taiwan's counter-culture [...]

or an event featuring animated characters


for the whole family, Spinning prize wheels with dance contests at Department stores or an Open House for an orphanage in Thailand, every BABI Corp. event is characterized by thorough pre- planning and flawless execution.

六月每週二中午至下午2點,Oris、Tourneau和WBGO樂台,將在全世界最大的表店舉辦一系 列 音樂會。

A partnership between Oris, Tourneau,


and WBGO, the concert series will tale place every Tuesday in June

[...] from noon to 2 pm at the world’s [...]

值第17屆香港澳門法語活動節之際,中國法語聯盟,比利時駐香港及澳門總領事館/瓦隆-布魯塞爾代表團、加拿大駐香港總領事館、法國駐港澳總領事館以及瑞士駐香港總領事館聯手為大家呈獻“三月香頌饕餮”大 型 音樂會 ! 法 語聯盟奉上 Simon Nwambeben(法國/喀麥隆,此巡演得到法國盧瓦爾地區的大力支持)清徹圓潤的聲綫如陽光穿過手指,帶人們重遊金色時光隧道。


On the occasion of the 17th Francophonie Festival in Hong Kong and Macao, The network of Alliance Française de Chine, The Delegation of Wallonia-Brussels in China, The Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong, The Consulate General of Canada (Hong Kong & Macau), The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau, The Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong invite you to take part in a musical tour: MARS EN FOLIE 2012 !


[...] 單位,包括學生會、PTSO、SSC、ELAC、音樂部、體育部、學生輔導員及管理階層每年均舉辦 各類不同活動,例如回校夜、專題聚 會 、 音樂會 、 體 育比賽,及家長師生研討會等等。

The Student Council, PTSO, SSC, ELAC, Music and P.E. Departments, counselors and administration all provide a variety of activities throughout the year for parents,


including: Back to School Night,

[...] themed assemblies, concerts, sports competitions, and parent-student-teacher conferences.

為擴展服務對象的生活範圍和視野,我們透過2008年中樂慈 善 音樂會 所 籌 募的善款,資助十七位較年長和有特別需要的學員和舍友,於2009年7月14至17日參加『台灣文化之旅』。

In order to widen the horizon and life experience of MDVI, 17 trainees and residents of MGCH, BH and JH visited Taiwan from 14 to 17 July 2009 with financial support from funds raised through a Charity Music Concert held in 2008.

數碼影院可節省成本及完善版權保護, 方便放映商在編排音樂會與體 育項目等其他內容及放映全新數碼三維電影時有更多彈性,以及改善視覺及聽覺質 素。

Digital cinema can achieve cost savings, improved copyrights protection, greater flexibility to


exhibitors for the booking of alternative

[...] content such as concerts and sporting events, [...]

new digital 3D contents and improved visual and audio qualities.

每當回答「為寫Jarvis Cocker的新碟煩惱中」,人們的反應全是一樣 — 不約而同地懷緬Britpop的美好時光,一起為沒有到台灣欣賞他 的 音樂會 而 感 到懊悔。

When I told others I was brainstorming for a review on Jarvis Cocker’s new album, the collective responses blended into a harmonised nostalgia for Britpop, followed with regretting not flying to Taiwan for his concert.