You are mean中文



是一種明知道不是很適當 卻硬是說/做 出來的狀況的回應~

(ex...男生虧女生時 女生的回應)

這種解釋下 就是有一點開玩笑的語氣~ 



mean~ 有"意指""故意"的意思~ 

像有時候做錯事時 會說…

"I don't mean it"(我不是故意的)


on purpose(故意)去做的~

就是一種在中文來看~ 是有點壞的行為啦~




所以 除了上面寫的翻譯外 







他的舉例是…「有一隻貓, 你拿東西給牠吃, 牠就過來跟你親熱, 你沒東西給牠吃牠就躲的遠遠的, 這樣的行為你就可以用 mean 來形容. 你可以說 The cat is so mean.








嗯 關於「你很賤耶」這個比較白話的說法~ 

感謝Ashley的提供 XDD




A:The girl is as fat as a pig!

B:You are so mean!!!








Life of Ingrid

Show them exactly what you mean by petting their forearms and heads as you would your pet's. Ask them to practice [...]


Just enter something like ‘EIFF PAR’ and our unique Free Text

[...] Search understands what you mean.

只要輸入像'EIFF PAR'我們獨特的自由文本搜索即能明白 您 的 意 圖。

What do you mean by "the interests [...]

of the minority cannot override the interests of the majority"?

少數人 的利益不能凌駕大多數人的利益,這 是 甚 麼 意 思?

What do you mean by 100% perfect [...]


Before I could answer, CHING Cheong had already assumed the role of being my defence

[...] counsel and said, "What do you mean by anti-communist [...]

我還沒有回答,程翔便已經充當我的辯護律師說:“ 甚麼 反共反華,你不知道 楊森是首批出來支持中國恢復主權的人嗎?

There are only seven days in a week, but what you mean by "a week" seems to be unusually long, just as a scholar in ancient [...]

China once remarked, "I have only


spent seven days in the mountain but, alas, when I return to the world, I find that a thousand years have already elapsed.

星期只有 7 ㆝,但你所指的「 星期」卻特別長,就如㆗國古㆟ 所說:「山㆗方七日,世㆖已千年」! 總督答(譯文):雖然我們沒有㆒千年那麼長的時間,但我相信有份參與談判的部份㆟ 士可能認為,只要有㆒千年的時間,便可以水到渠成。

So will you please tell us, and the people

[...] of Hong Kong, what exactly do you mean when you say [...]

Britain is morally responsible for


us after 1997, and how many years that responsibility extends?

所以,請問可否告訴我們和香 港㆟,當你說英國在㆒九九七年以後對我們有道義㆖的責任時, 是 甚麼 意思 , 以及這 種責任持續多少年?

The difference is that they do not tell you what they mean.

些政府文件,如果刊印成書, 便會厚如字典,分別是政府文件不會把其含義告訴我們。

MR BERNARD CHAN (in Cantonese): Madam

[...] President, do you mean I have to say what my vote is now?

陳智思 議員:主席,你 是 要我現在說 出所作的 表決?

You know what I mean! It’s a nice Saturday [...]

afternoon and you’re shopping with the family at one of Shanghai’s mega malls.

您明白我的意思!这是一个 美好的星期六下午,您和您的家人在上海的一家大型商场购物。

If you saw the free lecture on the Leandro & Stormer IFR I have indicated, will understand what I mean.

如果你看到 莱昂德罗斯托默IFR的免费讲座 我曾指出,会明白我的意思。

MR NGAI SHIU-KIT (in Cantonese): Mr President, first of all, you said you still had no idea

[...] [...] from other countries, does it mean what you are doing is at the expense of [...]

the interests of Hong Kong people?

倪少傑議員問:主席先生,第㆒,你是說你究竟仍未知道,㆒直在學習㆗,即是說 你是用香港市民的利益來「較飛」?

What does measurable, reportable and verifiable mean in relation to support by developed countries on technology, finance and capacity-building for developing [...]

在发达国家为发展中国家技术、资金和能力建设 提供支持的相关问题上, 可衡量、可报告和可核 实具有什么含义?

But since these talks involve diplomatic

[...] secrecy, would it mean that what you have said just [...]

now has already breached the rules for the conduct of diplomacy?

但由於涉及外交保密,那麼,你剛才 所說 的, 會否已破壞了外交守則?

Despite much debate on the question of existing stocks, there could be greater

[...] consideration of what this might mean in practical, [...]

尽管就现有的储存问题进行了大量讨论,但是对于这 一问题在实际当中意味着什么可能 需要 做进一步的审议。

For details about what we mean by Part D drugs, the List of Covered Drugs (Formulary), rules and restrictions on coverage, and cost information, see Chapter 5 (Using the plan’s coverage for your Part D prescription drugs) and Chapter 6 (What you pay for your Part [...]

有關 D 部分藥物、承保藥物清單(處方集)、承保規則和限制,以及費用的詳細資訊,請參閱第 5 章( 使用計劃的 D 部分處方藥承保)和第 6 章(您的 D 部分處方藥的費用)。

For this reason, the new optional protocol could include valuable guidance to States on the need: to provide children with relevant information on existing complaint


mechanisms and procedures; to raise

[...] awareness of what these instruments mean and how they [...]

could be used; and to employ child-sensitive


language, materials and tools in the performance of these tasks.


[...] 导:为儿童提供关于现有申诉机制和程序的相关信息;需要提高对 这 些申 诉手段 的意义及其使 用方法的认识;开展这些工作需要使用为儿童着想的语言、材料和 [...]

This is what I mean by "without unduly [...]

burdening society" at the end of my motion.

我動議的最後 ㆒句:「毋須社會承受過度的負擔」,就是 這個 意思。

Could it be that the interests of a small group

[...] of people like you mean the interests [...]

of all the people in Hong Kong?

After dealing with them properly, streamlining them and making efforts ― what I mean by making efforts is not long-term ones but to do so within a short period of time ― and if it is still impossible to win the approval of society and the voice calling for the abolition of FCs is getting louder and louder, and together with the fact that FCs are only concerned with helping their sectors rather than the general public after the improvements are made, it would not have any room [...] [...]

for survival at all and in that event, there is no longer any need to insist that they have to exist forever because they will naturally disappear like dinosaurs and this is the rule of nature.

在處理好之後、優化之後、盡了 努力之後 ⎯⎯ 我說的盡努力並非指長期性,而是在短時間內盡了努力 ⎯⎯ 如果仍然無法取得社會的認同,支持廢除功能界別的聲音越來越 大,再加上如果功能界別在優化後仍然只是幫助業界,而非幫助社會大 眾,它根本也沒有生存空間,屆時亦無須再堅持它要千秋萬世永存了, 因為它自然會像恐龍般消失,這便是自然定律。

As stated bluntly by a UNICEF education programme officer within the cluster, “We (UNICEF) will

[...] now be doing what you (UNESCO) do.

正如 一位儿童基金会教育计划官员所坦率指出的,“我们(儿童基金会)现在将从 事你们 (教科 文组织)做的工作。

In other words, a serious crime must befit the definition of serious

[...] crime, that is, you should mean what you say.

所 以,為甚麼我們會說在不理想的情況下,我們要修正它為 7 年,那便是“嚴

[...] 重罪行”應有嚴重罪行的意義,即 you should mean what you say。

May I ask, of all the governments in the world, when a chief executive wishes to do a good job in his official

[...] [...] position, if he does not find someone sharing his political convictions to work with him, do you mean to say that he should look for people with different political viewpoints to join the Government?

試問在世界 各地,當一位行政首長要做好他的工作時,他如不找一些政見相近的人加入 政府,難道要找一些跟 他政見相反的人加入政府嗎?

We in Greece — and all of us — face fundamental challenges: to revitalize our democracies and ensure good governance, to redefine what we mean by quality of life, to change our consumption patterns in order to stimulate clean, green growth around the world, and to do so in [...]

希腊以 及所有国家都面临着最根本的问题:复兴民主制度, 确保善治,重新界定我们所谓的生 活质量的含义,改 变我们的消费模式,以便激励世界各国采用公平合理 的方式实现清洁、绿色的经济增长。

This document, along with

[...] your enrollment form and any other attachments, riders, or other optional coverage selected, which explains your coverage, what we must do, your rights, and what you have to do as a member of our plan.

本文件連同您的投保表格及任何其他附件、附則或所選的其他可選保險, 用於介紹您的承保範圍、我們的責任、您的權利及您作為本計劃會員的責任。

It means you must better understand the relationship, you must forge new friendships with people in the United States, and you must use access to information like never before in truly understanding for yourself -- not based on what other people say, but for yourself -- what the nature of [...] [...]

China, what the nature of the relationship is, and how it can serve the better interests of the people of Asia and indeed the world going forward.

这意味着你们必须 更好地了解我们的关系, 你们必 须与在美国的人民建立新的友好关系,而且你们必须以前所未有的方式利用接触信息的机会,使你们 自 己真 正地了解, 而不是靠别人的说法,要靠自己了 解美 国和中国的性质,两国关系的性质,以及在前进的过程中,它怎样能够有助于促进亚洲乃至全世界人民的利益。


