
After the explosion of the atom bombs, the writer’s father died of nuclear radiation. As his mother could not afford to take care of her son and work at the same time, Yoschichi was sent to live with his grandmother in 佐贺, Saga. Although his grandmother was extremely poor, she always had some wonderful ways to go on living and made life full of discoveries and laughters.

The first two volumes, 佐贺的超级阿嬷, Amazing Grandma In Saga, and 佐贺阿嬷:笑着活下去, Grandma in Saga: Live on with a Smile – are about Yoshichi’s memorable childhood adventures with her grandmother. The third volume has less to do with Yoshichi’s grandma, but about Yoshichi’s youth, when he eloped with his current wife and embark on a journey to become one of Japan’s hottest comedian star.

There are many interesting verbatim in the series that can serve as guides in our lives when we feel down and beaten.

My favourite line from the series is this – 让人察觉不到的体贴才是真正的体贴、真正的关切 (True thoughtfulness and concern is what is kept undectable). An anecdote to depict this in the book recounts an incident where Yoshichi is tasked to buy broken tofu from a bicycle tofu peddler by her grandma:

One day, the peddler told Yoshichi there was no broken tofu for sale. Just when Yoshichi was about to leave, the peddler called him back. He then crushed a piece of tofu and sold it to Yoshichi at the discounted price, giving him a knowing smile. The peddler knew that Yoshichi and his grandma are poor, but did not imposed charity on them, but showered his concern in his own hidden way.

Sweet isn’t it? I think modern society has a lot to learn from here – given the showy ways a lot of charity work and donation drives are currently being carried out.

Some other good quotes include:


In this corrupted and materialistic time and age, these phases from an uneducated country bumpkin come as real gems. Such is the simple appeal of the book that makes it a huge success as it pushes the right buttons for over-stressed city folks.

If you are thinking of trying to get in touch with your Chinese root once again by reading a Chinese book – this is a good one to start with (although it is translated from Japanese).

Technorati Tags: 佐贺的超级阿嬷, 岛田洋七 , Yoshichi Shimada, 佐贺, Saga, 佐贺阿嬷:笑着活下去, japanese book, japanese literature, tofu, grandmother, old folks, old people, poor, comedian, optimistic, charity, good book

因为无力扶养,母亲将年仅八岁的昭广寄养到佐贺乡下的外婆家, 没想到外婆比谁都穷,迎接昭广的是一间破烂茅屋!但是,在那物质缺乏的日子里,乐观的外婆却总有神奇的办法让生活过下去,始终让家里洋溢着笑声和温暖。 



不按牌理出牌而又把牌打得极好的阿嬷,是一个熠熠发亮的形象,它让 E 时代的年轻人知道,“阿嬷”是货真价实的宝,而不是家里一个可有可无的影子人物。还有呵,那种水乳交融的祖孙情,也好似早已消失于现代五光十色的繁华都市里了,所以呢,这部书,也抚慰了无数寂寞的老人,唤醒已经死去了的那种温馨的感受⋯⋯



因为无力扶养,母亲将年仅八岁的昭广寄养到佐贺乡下的外婆家, 没想到外婆比谁都穷,迎接昭广的是一间破烂茅屋!但是,在那物质缺乏的日子里,乐观的外婆却总有神奇的办法让生活过下去,始终让家里洋溢着笑声和温暖。




8岁那年,男孩昭广跟随母亲(工藤夕贵 饰)离开广岛,来到了佐贺的乡下老家。这里没有玩具,没有朋友,甚至连最亲爱的妈妈也转身离开,迎接昭广的只有低矮破旧的房屋,以及独立抚养了七个儿女的超级阿嬷(吉行和子 饰)。初来乍到的昭广无法适应这里的寒酸生活,但随着时光的流逝,他渐渐体味到了与阿嬷在一起生活所得到的幸福……



