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Unavailable on Basic with ads plan due to licensing restrictions.

Determined teen Din is longing to reconnect with his childhood best friend when he meets a wish-granting dragon who shows him the magic of possibilities.

Starring:Jimmy Wong,John Cho,Constance Wu

An animated adventure produced by Jackie Chan, featuring the voices of Jimmy Wong, Constance Wu, John Cho and more.


Wish Dragon

More details


Jimmy WongJohn ChoConstance WuNatasha Liu BordizzoWill Yun LeeBobby LeeJimmy O. YangIan Chen

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image source: 示意圖 / Pexels

文 / 蔡瓅萱


image source: 翻攝自Dcard


image source: 翻攝自Netflix

然而,因為送出後並不會收到官方回覆,所以許多人好奇這個申請欄位是否真的能讓想看的影片上架。原PO在Dcard發文提問後,立刻有許多網友跳出來回覆,其中有人表示,自己真的有申請成功。「我之前許願過想要『加油吧威基基』後來就真的有了」、「之前請回答1998下架後每天填,最後1998真的回來了」、「許願過樂來越愛你 有成功」。

不過,也有不少人表示,自己的申請似乎石沉大海,沒有被Netflix官方採納,「我沒有成功,之前求的是哭悲」、「有跟他們說想看頂樓pent house,結果到現在都還沒上」、「我之前要求gossip girl重新上架也沒有」。

image source: 翻攝自Dcard

image source: 翻攝自Dcard

image source: 翻攝自Dcard


image source: 翻攝自Dcard


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